Prius (2004-09) :: Red Triangle Pop Up With Yellow Headlight Symbol

Last month my red triangle would pop up along with the yellow head light symbol. Most times it would be for a few seconds, other times it would stay on for a few minutes. Today I rotated my tires and I thought I would check out leveling sensor while the tires were off.

I took my left rear tire off and this is what I saw when the sensor was removed.

So everything looked normal to me. Looks can be deceiving. I've seen pictures on here of leveling sensors where the guts are completely rotted out. That's what I was thinking I was going to see. Here is a picture of the bolt side of the sensor:

Again, it looked normal to me. If you don't know what you're looking for, especially if parts aren't mangled, it can look normal. So I took the four screws off of the sensor and this is what I saw:

The inside of the sensor was in pristine condition! The springs are shiny gold and there was only a small amount of dust inside the sensor. I started to think about how the sensor works and I figured out that the sensor must move in some way. Hmmm. But there was no bracket on it to turn the sensor.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Red Triangle With Exclamation Point Symbol Appeared On Dash

I have a 2009 Prius Touring with about 55,000 miles on it. Had it regularly serviced last Thursday at the Toyota dealer/service center, and they said it needed to have the coolant flow control valve replaced due to sticking - so I agreed and they did it under warranty.

On Friday afternoon, I was driving out to the desert and about 50 miles into my trip, the red triangle with exclamation point symbol appeared on my dash, and the word "Problem" beeped on my screen. Then it went off, and then back on a few minutes later. Then it happened again and the high coolant temperature warning light came on the screen...and then went away. I turned off the A/C and opened the hood to check for steam or heat, but there was nothing. Since I was far from my destination, I called the closest Toyota service center and promptly drove there, but the light was off when I arrived. They said they checked everything out and ran the codes, but nothing came up.

When driving home on Sunday, the car did the same thing - Problem Triangle and High Coolant Temperature warning light on and off for varying amounts of time and with no correlation to how fast I was driving or how hard the engine was working. I left the A/C off the entire time.

Today, the car did the same thing after driving for about 10 miles. I brought it back to my regular service center, they ran codes and checked everything out...but they cannot find anything. They said they can't determine anything with the light off, but it doesn't stay on consistently so it's nearly impossible to bring it in with the light on.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Red Triangle But No CEL - Symbol On GPS?

After driving for 2 or 3 miles my car turns on this red triangle and says "problem" on the GPS. All the threads i have found this is accompanied by a check engine light but mine does not. On the gps there is also a symbol that i looked up in the manual, it says to take the car to a dealer. is there any way to know exactly what this triangle means? There is not CEL tripped, tried 4 code reader and nothing.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Triangle Warning Symbol Appeared

I have a 2005 Prius with 240,000 miles. About 4 months ago the triangle warning symbol appeared. A friend and I decided to pull the big battery out of the car and find the bad cells. We did that, replace two and the car worked fine for 4 months. The triangle warning has returned. We have done several things but the triangle remains. We pulled the big battery out and checked all of the cells. We replaced one that was probably OK. The latest reading was 8 volts on cells all but one at 7.9. We cleaned all of the bus contacts. We went into the maintenance mode on the MFD and found the aux battery to be 12.6 volts and under load it dropped to 11.8 with the lights on.

The aux battery went up to 14.1 volts with the car on. The inverter cooling fluid has movement and there is a slight humming which I believe to be the inverter pump running. The inverter fluid was topped off. The MFD showed the battery bars start at about three fourths full, drop down to one bar. With the engine running the battery bars climbed to the top purple. The engine turned off and the bars continued to climb to all green. All of this occurred in about 3 minutes while the car was parked. There were codes on the MFD while in maintenance mode. I understand that these codes are for the navigation system and the audio system.

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Prius (2004-09) :: 2006 - Delayed Cabin Heat - Red Triangle With Thermostat Symbol?

My 06 prius takes a very long time to provide heat to the cabin. In temps below 20 F it can take 20 minutes. Today in 16 F weather the red triangle came on, followed by a problem banner, followed by a thermostat symbol. The triangle and symbol turned on a off a couple of times over a 5 minute span. I had been driving the car from a cold start for about 15 minutes when this happened. The car did start to produce some, but not a lot, of heat at about 20 minutes into the drive. I was also forced to use the defroster intermittently for the first 15 minutes (blew only cold air). After parking the car for 20 minutes I drove 20 minutes home with no triangle or thermostat symbol. Most of the way home I had sufficient heat.

I do have the front blocked with pipe insulation. I have owned my 06 prius for over a year and it has 257,000 on it.

Could the thermostat and triangle be caused by a low engine temp? If so would a stuck thermostat be a potential culprit?

Can I assume that if my car is blowing cold air when I am asking for heat that the engine is not over heating?

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Prius (2004-09) :: 2005 - Red Caution Symbol On The Dash

I woke up this morning and started up my 2005 prius to warm up. I live in New England and it freezing out today. About 15 min or so later I go back out to the car that only had the heat on and I find a large red caution symbol on the dash. I check to see if the e brake is on and thats when I look up and see it, the main battery symbol on the gps screen. I looked at my battery and only one small bar was lit up. I then noticed that the engine sounded like it was giving all it had. I turned off the car and went inside to call Toyota. I am waiting to hear back from someone in service to tell me if I can drive it. I have under 90k and it is due for an oil change maybe it's over by 100 miles. I did get the recall for the water pump and was planning to have it done with the oil change.

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Prius (Gen 2) :: 2005 Toyota - Emergency Triangle Popped Up On Dash

My car has 80,000 miles on it and i just recently purchased it from a dealer with no warranty. I bought it at 65,000 miles and everything seemed to be just fine up until last night. the emergency triangle popped up on my dash along with my check engine light, ((!)) and VSC. I have since then taken it to midas to get an oil change and get the codes read.

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Prius (2004-09) :: 2006 - Red Triangle Light And Headlight Icon

My Toyota prius 2006 get red triangle light appears when I start the engine and it disappears when I drive the car. When I stop the car, it comes back again. The warning light is like in the picture I attached.

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Prius (Gen 2) :: 2006 - Headlight Turned Off But Symbol Says On

Headlight symbol says headlights on - but no headlights on 2006 Prius.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Got Warning On Dash - Red Triangle?

I took my car to the dealership because it had the red Triangle ! wanrnning on the dash and the red car ! warning on the display panel. They told me the code was P0A82 "hybrid battery pack cooling fan 1 performance / Stuck off" but it was actually working at the time the mechanic looked at it.

He said it would probably need to be replaced anyways so they wanted to replace it. I told them I would wait, so they cleared the code for me. I read a lot of posts of people having the same problem and they fixed it by cleaning the fan. My fan was a little dirty, but not bad at all. Is there a quick way to see if the cleaning fixed the problem?

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Prius (2004-09) :: Dash Indicators Flashing / Triangle For A Second Then All Goes Away

Ok wife's car '07, complained her dash indicator lamps were flashing on then off for a second a once or twice in a few days, then triangle of death for a second, then all goes away. Her ABS light came on. This last time it did its flashing thing then the SRS light came on. First thing that came to mind was 12v battery. I threw the TechStream on and ran some tests. Saw 4 codes, B1801, B1811, B1421 C1241. Checked voltage at the battery, it was 12.41v with car off. Negative terminal was very loose and had a little corrosion. Cleaned it, tightened it and ran tests again. No tests came up for the SRS as it said "no response", so I am not sure how to test the system.

My concern is this is the second time the SRS B1801 and B1811 codes have come up (Open connection in D squib 2nd step). The first time I went through, replaced the steering wheel clock spring and checked connector wiring, checked the driver's side seatbelt wiring and replaced the side airbag/seatbelt ass'y. Then I sent in the SRS module to be cleared/reset. I wasn't about to mess with the Steering bag, so I didn't test it. Car was fine for 2 months, then it has reappeared. Did this bad battery connection cause this? What am I missing?? What is next?

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Prius (2004-09) :: All Dash Lights With Red Triangle Came On While Driving

2007 Prius 215,000 miles. Car has been a champ for the almost 2 years I've owned it, buying it with 150K miles. No real troubles and I've been driving it constantly as you can tell. Had an extended warranty repair done back in the winter when dash lights went out completely yet car would still start & run. Replaced 12V battery back them trying to diagnose trouble and it was original battery anyway. Daughter was driving when almost all dash lights came on including the red triangle. She came back home, turned it off. Next start was just red triangle and check engine light with red car on center display. Now it's just the check engine light and red car after sitting for an hour. I plan to take it in to get check engine light checked out.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Red Triangle Came On Dash And Lost All Driving Functions

I was at an intersection and red triangle came on dash and lost all driving functions. Had to turn power off, then turn back on. Was able to drive 100 yards to a parking spot, but it went out again. Reset car again, then it happened 4 more times within 2 miles while driving. Had to call tow truck. Just kept shutting itself down. How to fix this. See picture below for the message I got when it happened. This is the first time my car has malfunctioned like this. I think maybe its throwing itself into park or neutral (judging by the P-lock message below) and cuts all throttle control to car. Has 105,000 miles on it.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Red Triangle Is Displayed, Along With CEL On Dash After Jump Start

Recently, my Prius hasn't been getting much use, so the 12v battery drained. The car worked ok after I gave it a jump. But, because I don't drive the car very much, the battery drained again, maybe completely.

When I jumped it again, the car ran ok, but the red triangle is displayed, along with the check engine light on the dash, and a red car icon on the MFD. The car drives, but the lights are on.

Before replacing the battery, should I take any steps?

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Prius (2004-09) :: Dash Displays Brake Warning And Red Triangle

We're on a road trip and the alarm tone goes off. The dash displays the brake warning and the red triangle (and the touchscreen has a car outline with an ! in the upper left). Also, the cruise control no longer operates. We return to El Paso and the dealer utilizes several hours and two diagnostics to tell us the Hybrid ECU needs to be replaced. Unfortunately, they can't get our Prius back to us until Monday, the day we are supposed to be back home starting work the next day.

We plan to call the other dealership in town in the morning. But is it safe to drive our Prius in this state? Can a regular garage make the repair? My father-in-law, an automotive repair professional back in Missouri, says that he isn't surprised if an ECU needs to be shipped from a Toyota distribution center since the part isn't regularly kept in stock by an auto repair shop.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Red Triangle, Dash Lights And Hybrid System Icon On MFD

I have been having some hybrid battery issues. My prius is a 2006 with 198,000 miles. The original battery was replaced at around 120,000 with a junkyard battery. About a year later that battery gave up the ghost and I decided to rebuild that battery. So far that has worked quite well until recently.

My troubles started a couple weeks ago when I got the Red triangle and all the dash lights and the hybrid system icon on the MFD. Naturally I thought it was the battery again. Took it out and checked the voltages of the modules. All the modules where within tolerances. I grabbed a OBDII scanner and checked the code. It was telling me that the Hybrid current sensor was bad. I changed that out with the wiring harness from the old battery.

That lasted for a few days before the red triangle came back. I checked the code and it was indicating one of the blocks was bad. I think P3019. So I took the battery back out and replaced that block with other modules. Almost instantaneously the red triangle came back with two more bad blocks. I think it was P3012 and P3022. So I took the battery out once more and tested all the voltages of all the modules. Everything was 7.86-7.9v. So I decided to start the rebalance of the existing modules in hopes to find some bad modules.

I also bought a new 12v battery and installed that. I got everything back together and took it for a road test. It took about 30 mins before the triangle came back. I grabbed the codes and it was still indicating bad blocks. P3011 and P3018. I am a little at a loss.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Dash / Warning Lights - No Red Triangle Of Doom Shown

There's an ad for a car quite far away from me and one of the photos shows the dash lit up like a Christmas tree. Is this normal during power-up or is it normal when there's something quite wrong?! There is no red triangle of doom shown; I'm unsure if that might be out of shot though. Car is quite high mileage with just over 270,000 km on the clock and is from 2006.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Dash Error - Red Triangle / Small Exclamation And VSC Shown

I have an 04 Prius that recently had the HV battery rebuilt with replacement of a couple of cells. It now is showing dash lights of Red Triangle, Small Exclamation, and VSC. Error codes are coming up on techstream v9 as :

P3000 curr
P0A84 hist
C1310 curr
C1311 curr
(all 4 of the above have asterixes by them )
B1421 curr (no asterix)

The car is running perfectly and seems to be fine.

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Prius (2004-09) :: RED Triangle With Exclamation Point On Dash - Transmission Not Properly Engaged

I've had this happen twice: Foot on Brake, press start, car powers up. RED Triangle with exclamation point on dash. Message on MFD screen says something like "Transmission not properly engaged, move vehicle to level area and press Park"

I can't move it anywhere because nothing but the electrical system works. I can't even turn it back off.

Toyota tells me have it towed. They send "their guy", who is also the area AAA guy. Tow truck driver says he can't tow it because it won't go into neutral. So he jumps shuts off when power is pushed. Push power again. Car starts fine.

Drive to Toyota. They keep it all day, do all kinds of diagnostic tests, tell me there's nothing wrong. I ask if it's the battery, they say it tests fine, but they'll replace it if I want (of course they don't keep it in stock and have to order it).

The car did the same thing this morning, but I was able to turn it off & restart. (That makes it #3)

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