Toyota - Corolla :: 1978 - All Lights And Wipers Just Stopped Working

All lights and wipers just stopped working on my 78 corolla. Replaced fuses did not work. Where do I go from here? I am an absolute novice but want to figure this out.

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Toyota - Corolla :: When Turned The Key, Sounds Like Cranks But Car Would Not Start

I have a 1996 Toyota corolla. it has been working fine until recently. I had problem starting the car intermittently. When I turned the key, it sounds like it cranks but the car would not start. If I tried it again after a minute or two, it would start again. It happens twice to me already so far. It has been around 4000 miles since my last oil change. And my engine oil has been leaking slowly for years (probably due to bad gasket) and I checked regularly and made sure the Engine oil is filled up to Full level. I haven't brought it to a mechanics yet but I would like to know what could be the issue.

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Toyota - Corolla :: 2000 - Cranks But No Start / Pump Works But Does Not Prime

My car was performing poorly then Stalled while driving, no start since. Put starting fluid in open throttle body for 5 secs, then tried to crank.

fuel pump doesn't turn on (can hear it) for 2 seconds When the Ignition switch is in ON position, You can hear it when cranking in Run position though. So this makes me think that Its not building enough pressure

Pulled it out, hooked it up to a 12V batt and it works.

Someone else changed the spark plugs. Fuel comes of of the line just before the fuel rail. Doesn't squirt like there's a lot of pressure.

Pulled the injectors clean them put them back in with new O rings. Fuel only came out of 2 injectors when cranking.

Pulled the spark plugs check for spark while cranking. They all spark. Put new ones in.

Pump does send fuel when cranking which means the pump, and pump relay should be working I assume.

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Toyota - Corolla :: 1981 - Cranks When Hot Only Starts When Cool

My 1981 Toyota Corolla wagon is beloved but developed a problem wherein when it gets warmed up and it is turned off, it may not start again until it cools down. When I say start I mean no crank, the starter will not turn over. All other electrical functions continue to work. The required wait is usually about 20 minutes and it will start again. I replaced the ignition switch in my steering column about four times (why four is another story) and the problem persisted.

Web research indicates the starter motor should be replaced, that because the starter is close to the exhaust manifold it can get quite hot and the phenomenon is called 'heat soak' where the electrical conductivity within the starter becomes overwhelmed by the heat, raising the resistance to the point where it will not conduct adequately. But I just replaced the starter motor and the problem is still the same! I am quite perplexed. I was so sure that would solve it.

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Corolla / Matrix 2009-13 :: Engine Cranks But Doesn't Start?

I have a 2009 Corolla 1.8L. It turns over but won't start. I don't hear the fuel pump when I turn the key on or when I try to start it. There are 3 EFI fuses, and all of them are good. There doesn't seem to be an EFI relay (correct me if I'm wrong). I've replaced the fuel pump and it still won't start.

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Corolla / Matrix 2009-13 :: 2010 LE Engine Cranks But Won't Start / Lights Are Bright

I have a 2010 Corolla LE w/ about 90k miles. I took it to work. parked. Went back to car. Engine cranks. Won't start. Lights are bright. Radio on. Jumped it and it started up no problem. Took it and got a brand new battery. turned car on and it worked with no problems. took it home. next day went to work. started w/ no problem. After work, started with no problem.

NEXT DAY... Engine cranks again....won't start. Tried to jump it again but NOTHING.

(also, just want to mention there is no history or indication that this was gonna happen. no jumpy shaking...nothing.)

Someone came out and checked: alternator, battery, starter, everything checks out good and working.

Spark plugs: GOOD but no spark...thought it might be crank sensor. Tried to change that out, still won't start.

In the midst of all this my key was acting up. finally it broke out of the lock part....the actual key separated (not broke) from the alarm part. i went to go make a duplicate w/ the key part and tried the duplicate key and it still won't start. do these things have a chip in them that activates the crank sensor? I've been w/o my car for about a week and i feel as though it's right in front of me.

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2001 Toyota RAV 4 - Car Cranks But Won't Start With New Battery

My friend's 2001 toyota RAV 4 battery went totaly flat and was taken to an electrician, he changed the battery but the car won't start, it cranks very as normal but no start, the horn blows quit strongly and the Battery is a new one (BOSCH) not  rebulit, and the security light blinks. The thing is that the car started well  before the battery went flat, so I am very sure it is not the starter or the ignition switch, that security indicator was not blinking before the battery change.

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Toyota - Avalon :: 1997 - Cranks But Won't Start Intermittently

For the last two years we have been having this problem off and on. The car typically will not start in the morning but 8 hours later it will start right up with no hesitation. The engine always cranks but it will not start. Every time we have the vehicle towed to a mechanic's shop either the car starts as soon as the towing company drops off the car or first thing in the morning when they go to start looking at it. When the vehicle does start there is absolutely no hesitation and no decrease in the performance. The vehicle has never stalled on me, and I have tried pumping the gas and putting the vehicle in neutral but have been unsuccessful in figuring out this problem. The check engine light does not come on and there aren't any codes saved in the memory.

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Toyota - Avalon :: 2002 - Cranks But Won't Start Unless Press Gas Pedal

I have a 2002 avalon XLS. In the morning the car cranks but wont start unless I press the gas pedal. After that everything was fine. But recently the problem is getting worse. The car became harder to start although it will start eventually. I have changed the Mass air flow sensor, but did not solve the problem.

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Toyota - Corolla :: Car Won't Start

I drove home to get something and when I come back out my car won't start, my power windows are down and will not function, no dash lights when key is turned to on position and it will not turn over, no radio, nothing seems to be working, only light I see is the door open indicator light and the security light is blinking but go's out when I insert my key into the ignition

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Corolla :: Cannot Get 2006 Toyota XRS To Start

I have 2006 Toyota Corolla XRS, and I can't get it to start. Last week I tried to start my car, it just turned over and wouldn't fire. I left it for a couple days, and didn't try anything. I thought the fuel line might of been frozen, because I do live in Canada. This afternoon it warmed up, so I decided to try it out. It started the first try, no problem. I drove straight to the gas station, and bought some methyl hydrate to put in the tank. I drove around a bunch that day to mix it in. After leaving it for a few hours I went and tried to start my car, and it's doing the exact same thing again. Not sure what to do here.

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Corolla :: 1994 Toyota Won't Start?

I have a 1994 Toyota Corolla, automatic transmission. I went to start it this afternoon and it made a clicking sound a few times then went completely dead. When I jumped it, the dashboard panels, radio, lights, doors, etc. began to work, but it still would not start. I have replaced the alternator about 1.5 yrs ago and had the battery checked then too (it was fine then). I have had this problem before about a year ago, but it did start when jumped. I didn't leave my lights on or any doors open, so I don't think I drained the battery.

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Toyota :: 2005 - Corolla Won't Start

I own a 2005 corolla. Has 112k on it. Having issue with car not starting after driven to store and parked. Happened 4 times. Let car sit and it starts. Puzzled to what issue can be.

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Toyota - Corolla :: 1981 - Won't Start When Hot?

My 1981 Toyota Corolla wagon began to intermittently fail to start when warmed up about five years ago, and by fail to start I mean all lights come on but zero crank and no clicking sounds either. The amount of time I must wait for it to cool down and start again has varied between 20 minutes and today's record, 3 hours. This problem is common with older Toyotas and usually means the starter motor needs to be replaced, believe me I've looked into it, but here's the puzzler. I've replaced the starter motor two times and it has failed to solve the problem. I've replaced the ignition switch four times, same thing. I replaced the battery thinking maybe my old battery was losing mojo, but tears came to my eyes when it happened again.

I've studied how a hot starter head close to the exhaust manifold sees it's resistance go up, that the initial crank requires big voltage throughput. But an aluminum heat shield is built in and wrapping the starter in a heat blocking blanket is not physically possible with my configuration. What I haven't looked into yet is the clutch safety switch. I did receive the following bullet from a previous CarTalk query which read: "If a manual transmission, the clutch safety switch must be working and have low enough "on" resistance. Likewise with an automatic transmission, the neutral safety switch." I would love more detail about the clutch safety switch. I can add this interesting caveat to today's 3 hour record wait. I've gotten good a bump starting the car by myself. Today I bump started it in rolling reverse, re-parked it, and tried restarting again. Started right up when it wouldn't start moments before.

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Ford Wiring/Electrical :: 1978 E350 - No Ignition Voltage - No Start?

I bought a 1952 F1 that is mounted on a 1978 E350 chassis.( 351W )

It has all the 78 wiring installed. When cranking engine, it will not start, unless you release key to run position. You have to get engine turning over, and then quickly release key to start. Checked back of switch, not losing voltage at ignition post while cranking...

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Toyota - Corolla :: 1997 Refused To Start

Friday of last week my wife's Corolla refused to start. It cranked strongly but refused to catch. Fearing the worst my mechanic father-in-law assumed the timing belt had gone and we spent the weekend replacing that. The tensioner bearing had seized leaving the timing belt glazed but intact and, as far as we could tell, the timing was still correct. We replaced the belt and closed her back. Tired turning it over, nothing. Father-in-law noticed he didn't hear the fuel pump turn on when the key was placed in the ON position so he replaced that and the fuel filter. Turns out that the fuel pump only comes on when it's cranking? Who knew? We didn't. So that's been replaced.

At this point we have it towed to the shop where my father-in-law works(After this point all my information is second hand). We were going to let Big Al, their resident diagnostician, hook up his magic boxes and tell us what's wrong. Big Al suggests it's the distributor so that's changed but it still doesn't run. Big Al suggests that we set the timing incorrectly. That is torn apart again and, remember this is second hand information, "it was right but it was wrong". Whatever, they get it back together and it cranks and runs! Hooray!...but not so fast.

Next morning father-in-law arrives at work and gets bubkis. Cranks, sounds like it wants to start but won't. Somehow Big Al determines it's the PCM and that the car is getting "too much of a fuel pulse from the injectors" I ask if they are able to pull any codes from the computer and I'm told that they can't get any codes from ODBII scanner because it can't communicate with the car's computer. Also it's found that the catalytic converter is completely shot.

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Toyota - Corolla :: Hard To Start / Does Not Turn Over

My wife's '01 Corolla is having trouble starting. It doesn't turn over. At first I thought it might be the alternator, but when I prime it by pushing the gas, it starts right up. I'm thinking fuel pump or fuel line. It was also having some catalytic converter / 02 sensor issues, so wondering if that could be it too.

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Toyota - Corolla :: 2010 Won't Start Unless Lock

I have a 2010 Toyota Corolla with 25k miles on it.

Yesterday something strange happened for the first time. I unlocked the car (double-clicking the button to unlock all 4 doors, out of habit), got in, turned the key in the ignition, and the dash and console flickered repeatedly while I held down the ignition but the engine wouldn't turn and it wasn't make any noise suggesting it was trying to after an initial sound. I found that if I got out, locked the car, and unlocked it once, that the car would then start (although it had to turn for a couple seconds longer than usual).

Then, a couple hours later when I came back to the car, the same thing happened again.

Note that I could turn the radio on and lights on even though the car wouldn't start - so its not the battery - and the tank is full.

The car drove normally once it was running.

Today it seems to be behaving normally, but I'm wondering if I should be concerned - if I should take it to get checked out while I'm still able to drive it.

What might be going on? Could it have to do with the computer? The security system? Some sensor?

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Toyota - Corolla :: 1998 - Turns Over But Won't Start

My 98 corolla has set for a year plus and the serpentine belt is stuck and will not let the motor turn over fast enough to start. The battery is fully charged, the gas tank is full, the belt is in good shape. The car ran just fine the one year I owned it before sitting so long. I sprayed the belt with belt dressing. Could the alternator or something else be stuck? Should I remove the belt and then reinstall it?

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