Toyota - Camry :: Guttural / Guzzling Noise When Accelerating

I have a 2014 Camry SE that I'm the first time owner of. I've only had it about 5 months and it has 5000 miles on it.

Recently, I have noticed that whenever I press the gas pedal, there is a guttural/guzzling sound. It sounds like it is coming from the right side of the car, but that could just be my feeling. It started lighter, but I think it has gotten worse over the last two weeks. The noise will be louder when I accelerate, but it will still stay the entire time the gas pedal is being pushed.

I did just get the 5000 mile oil check and Toyota said they couldn't find any problems. I don't think the noise is normal though, as I don't hear any other making it, especially not new ones... What it could be?

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Toyota - Camry :: Whirring Noise At Highway Speeds Only When Accelerating

I've got a 2002 Toyota Camry with 96,000 miles on it. Car has been running fine for years but on a recent 250-mile drive I noticed a whirring noise (almost like the engine of a remote-control electric car). The noise is faint, but definitely new. I'm fairly sure it's coming from the under the hood, or at least from the front half of the car. No vibrations. The noise is only audible at highway speeds, and really only present when I'm accelerating (or on cruise control). It seems to get slightly worse if the car is climbing a hill.

Some things that have been worrying me:*I left the car in a friend's driveway all summer. Could that have anything to do with it? (There were no noticeable problems when I got back, which was months ago--when I came back after two months, I simply re-connected the battery and the car started on the first try).*I had a transmission fluid change about 2K miles ago. It was at a Jiffy Lube. They "flushed" the old fluid. They claimed they used the correct Toyota brand fluid. (I've since read that flushing the old fluid can be a bad idea for older cars.) Could this have something to do with it?*I just had my snow tires put on two weeks ago (and this is the first long drive I've done with the snow tires on). The guy who changed my tires took about 2.5 hours to do the job, saying "this is only his second week." The car is steering fine, and not drifting or anything, but could that mechanic have done something to the tires that is causing this highway-speed, acceleration-only whirring noise?

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Toyota - Camry :: Loud Humming Noise Coming From Engine When Accelerating

I am trying to diagnose a sound that is coming from my 2001 Camry 2.2L. When I accelerate there is a load humming noise coming from the engine. It happens at all speeds and only when I accelerate.

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Camry :: 2002 SE V6 Shake / Vibrate While Accelerating And Braking

First issue I noticed was the brake pedal/steering vibrating - my assumption was "warped" rotors (I use warped in quotations so that this does not turn into a discussion on whether or not rotors can warp.) I checked the front and the rotors and pads seem fairly new, the back pads were pretty much gone so I replaced those. Reduced the problem somewhat. Yes I still need to do the rotors but would rear rotors that are warped cause that much shaking?

Next issue I had noticed was that for a while that the car would shake somewhat when accelerating usually going up hills or when the car is under strain. Then I noticed that when I had the car fully loaded with passengers it would shake fairly noticeably when accelerating every time.

I thought the problem may be worn plugs since it seemed to come from the engine, well after 2 days and many hours of work not the problem.

By the way I bought the car only a few months ago and have very few service records so not too sure what has or has not been done. The lady did keep up with the maintenance though.

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Santa FE SM (2001-06) :: Clunk Noise When Accelerating And Braking?

I just changed my stabilizer link front right side and it did not solve the single clunk noise that I hear when accelerating and braking.. although it did solve the "multi clunk noises and creaking I get that is now gone away.. but this other single clunk noise what else could it be from it does it when driving straight and there are no clunks when turning. I must add that is that I can hear it and its a low pitched clunk... and is also felt in the steering wheel.

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Lexus GX 2004-09 :: Clunk / Thud Noise When Braking Or Accelerating

My 2007 GX470 is making a clunk/thud noise when braking (more often when braking hard or on a downhill slope) and then again when I let off the brakes and start to accelerate. It is significant enough that I can feel the car jerk some when it happens, almost as if someone has tapped the back with their car. What it could be?

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Lexus RX 2010-15 :: Clunk Noise When Braking Or Accelerating To / From A Standstill

I seem to be having a clunk noise coming from my car when braking to a standstill or accelerating from a standstill.

Its totally unpredictable but only happens when braking or accelerating under 10mph.

No noise when going over bumps or turning and its only heard when the windows are down. What it could be?

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Honda - Pilot :: 2013 - Significant Creaking Noise When Accelerating Or Braking

I purchased a new Pilot in June. With every acceleration or braking I heard significant creaking. After two visits to the dealer I was told it was an issue with the a-frame. I continue to have all kinda of noises, increasing with colder temps. Every bump, rough road, etc, brings creaks, pops, rattling in the dashboard/windshield area, window seals, rear-end area. What could have caused the issue initially? Two people in the industry think it was damaged in transit. The first service was around 2,500 miles. It just turned 9,000 with 4-5 service visits.

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Honda Civic Hybrid :: Squealing Noise When Braking / Accelerating Or Decelerating

We have a 2005 honda civic hybrid; there is a squealing noise coming from front passenger side, when braking, when accelerating, decelerating, but not while driving at speeds of 30 mph, straight. Also when backing up, turning wheels. It's going to the mechanic on monday for regular maintenance, 100K miles, etc.

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Toyota - Camry :: 2005 - Squeak That Goes Away When Braking

I've got a 2005 Toyota Camary. It has a high pitched squeak that occurs off and on, but always disappears the second I press on the break. It sounds like it's coming from the driver's side... possibly the driver's side rear?

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Sonata NF (2006-10) :: Clunking Noise At Low Speeds / Braking Or Accelerating Away From Stop Lights

2007 Sonata 3.3. Crunching, clunking noise at low speeds, braking or accelerating away from stop lights. Noise disappears at speeds over 25-30 mph. Noise can be replicated by rocking car forward and backward while in park, with engine turned off. Rocking side to side does not reproduce noise. Bouncing car suspension at all four corners does not reproduce noise. Hood open, rocking forward and backwards, noise seems to be coming from behind engine, and with hand on engine motion can be felt. I'm thinking engine mount, but how can I get a good look at it to check?

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Camry :: 2011 Toyota LE - Acceleration During Slow Braking

I have Toyota Camry 2011 4-dr LE. While I was on a road trip recently, the car did something very odd. The vehicle started to cut out and it then stopped. I have to note that it was at a high altitude (somewhere in the Colorado Mountains). After the incident I was able to start up again and the vehicle operated as expected. This is not the problem I wanted to ask about, however I thought I would mention it in case you think it might be related.

Here is the problem I have: When coming to a slow stop or driving in the slow traffic, sometimes the vehicle seems to accelerate when the break is released, as if I have pressed the gas pedal. I would expect that once slowed down the Camry will maintain its speed. Other times while my foot is still on the brake pedal (lightly pressing it during a slow down) I would feel as if I have released the brake for a second and the car accelerates (at which time my reflexes kick in and I press the pedal harder). In addition, the transmission seems to hesitate on up shift. I have noticed multiple times that the transmission does not shift on-time and I could feel it when I drive slower.

So here is my question: Could the problem with acceleration during braking be also related to transmission down/up shift problems? Since the problem with brake malfunctioning and engine acceleration is very infrequent, when I took the car to the dealer they could not find anything wrong.

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Toyota - Camry :: Sputter While Accelerating

I have a 1995 Toyota Camry that has 214,000 miles on it. In the past month the car when accelerating seems to sputter and act like its going to stall but it never does. The problem only happened when I was accelerating at low speeds or stopped at lights but recently the problem has been happening at higher speeds especially when going up hill. What the problem could be?

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Camry :: 2007 LE Noise Like A Plastic Panel Is Flapping When Driving 55 Mph

2007 Camry LE 186K. Car is making a noise like a plastic panel is flapping when driving 55 mph. Sounds like its from the center or console area.

The splash pan is secured with all fasteners, the aluminum heat shield was remove due to looseness. The wheel well seems solid and the front grill panels are tight.

I have moved the heater/air controls to different setting but no change on the noise. I have ramps but that limits what I can look at.

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Camry :: 2002 Toyota V6 Shakes While Accelerating Between 20 - 60 Mph

It's a 2002 Toyota Camry, v6. We just got brand new tires on it. The car shakes really bad between 20 - 60 mph as long as the accelerator is applied. After 60 mph the shaking mellows out and it seems normal while the accelerator is applied. Between 20 and 60 mph while the car is shaking, if I remove my foot from the accelerator the shaking stops and car is normal. To sum up, the shaking only seems to be there while the accelerator is applied. Is there a part I can replace that is relatively simple to do...If so, what part is it?. I'm not too be with cars. I've done some pretty big jobs following repair manuals.

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Toyota - Camry :: Missing / Stuttering When Accelerating

I've been having a problem with my 1991 Toyota Camry, which has a manual transmission. Sometimes when I am accelerating, it seems to stutter, something other people have referred to as "missing". It seems to happen when I am in "too high a gear", by which I mean for example, if it is happening while I'm accelerating in 4th gear, the stuttering will stop if I downshift to 3rd gear. Friends have suggested I need a tuneup, others think it may just need new spark-plugs, but the fact that it depends on what gear I'm in strikes me as odd (not that I know much of anything about cars, though).

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Toyota - Camry :: 1999 - Vibration On Car When Accelerating

I have a '99 toyota camry with about 212k miles, it runs great, almost like new,i get the same or better gas mileage than what toyota says it got brand new. I have noticed that when I am going about 40 to 80 mph when I step on the gas to speed up just a little it vibrates for a split second like if I went over some rumble strips. it happens noticeably when I gently step on the gas and not as much when I step on it to gain speed faster. Is this something I should take care of soon? Is it dangerous to keep driving like this? and what could be causing this?

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Ford Escape / Hybrid :: 2005 - Clunk Noise On Front End When Braking Or Accelerating And Turning Wheels

2005 2.3Liter 4wd Mariner, 225k miles

I have been experiencing clunk noise on the front end when braking or accelerating and turning wheels.

I have replaced: front control arms, ball joints, tie rod ends, sway bar bushings and stabilizer links and 2 days ago I replaced strut mounts and bearings.

The steering is smooth after the strut mounts replaced but I can still hear cluck noise mostly on left now when going over bumps, braking and accelerating.

Car also has new engine/trans mounts.

I am so lost right now because I cannot figure out what is it. The only thing I didn't replace are the struts but the I test them and they seem to function fine.

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Toyota - Camry :: 2009 Shakes And Vibrates When Braking At High Speeds

I just bought a 2009 Toyota Camry with 78K miles on it. Everything is great except at highway speeds it shakes and vibrates when braking. The higher the speed the worse it is. Steering wheel shakes as well. I pulled both front tires off and the rotors appear to be smoothe on both sides with no grooves, etc. However, I'm due for new front brake pads. There's some pad left but could that be why it shakes and vibrates when braking? How do you tell if rotors are warped? Rotors are smooth but could they still be warped?

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