Camry :: 2004 XLE V6 - Relay Clicking / Ticking Noise In Dash
I have a 2004 XLE V6 that just recently has started a clicking/ticking noise coming from the dash around the passanger side/glove box area. It sounds like a small electrical relay noise randomly making/braking its contacts. At first I thought it was the CD player (you know how it clicks when changing/loading CDs), but it happens with the radio turned off.
The noise does not have any definite rhythm and it's not coming from the engine, but only makes the noise when the engine (and A/C) is running. I've noticed the noise will go away after the interior temperature cools down. What is causing this clicking/ticking noise?
Since I have a XLE with the digital temperature control, is there a temperature sensor located somewhere that feeds a signal to the A/C controls for the cabin temperature to automatically adjust the cabin temperature/fan speed, etc.?
Lexus ES 2013+ :: Noise From Under The Dash - Sounds Like Relay Keeps Clicking
My 2014 ES350 is making a constant clicking noise from under the dash. Sounds like relay going on and off. When I shut off the air handling system the clicking completely goes away. Car is the Ultra Premium package and has about 13k miles on it.
Also, not sure if related but recently while the car was not running I noticed the car whining from rear wheel area the other night, I went back in the house and got my keys. Tried unlocking and re-locking but finally had to start the car and shut it off again the get the noise to stop. The car had been off for at least an hour or more but it sounded like fuel pump was running all by itself or some other system. I've owned 25 cars and never had that happen before. Otherwise I love this car!
Oldsmobile - Cutlass :: When Key Is Turned On All Lights On Dash Lit Up And Only Fuel Relay Clicking On
I have a 1985 Cutlass Ciera Brougham with the 2.5L four cylinder. It was driving and running great, and then one day it would not start. At first I thought that it might be the battery. I put my jump battery on and still nothing. I checked the battery voltage and it was good. Then I thought that it might be the starter. I crawled under the car and pulled the starter out. I took it to the store where I bought it just a year ago and had it tested, it passed. When the key is turned on all of the lights on the dash light up and the only sound that is heard is the fuel relay clicking on. The starter does not spin, click, hum, engage or make any indication that it is getting power. I put a wrench to the harmonic balancer bolt and I am able to spin the engine freely, so the engine is not seized. When the poles on the starter are jumped via a screwdriver the engine will crank, but will not start. Could a neutral safety switch or ignition switch that has gone bad cause such symptoms?
View 11 RepliesCorolla / Matrix 2009-13 :: Clicking Wiper Relay / Noise Was Coming From The Dash
I bought a brand new 2013 Corolla S just 10 days ago. Everything seemed to be working great and I was really enjoying my car, until yesterday when we had a slight drizzle. I put my wipers into intermittent mode, and immediately noticed an audible "click" sound similar to that of the turn signals.
I was quite freaked out at first, so after parking my car I investigated a bit and found the noise was coming from the dash rather than from the wipers. After a few hours of digging around on the Internet, I'm 95% certain it's coming from the wiper relay, and that this is supposed to be "normal".
This is bugging the hell out of me, so my question is, if you can replace just the wiper relay, or would you have to replace the entire stalk/motor assembly? At this point I actually don't mind shelving out $200 if it means I can get some peace of mind, literally.
Which reminds me, if say you could get an OEM (or an ever better aftermarket) wiper relay, and you went to a mechanic to have it installed, would that void the warranty?
I understand there's variations and tolerances exist in manufacturing, but you'd think Toyota would've gotten something as simple as a wiper relay figured out! The 2013 Corolla S I rented for 3 months never had this issue, nor did my mom's 2005 Corolla, or my dad's 2011 RAV4. So why my car?
Touareg :: Whirring / Whining Sound At Highway Speed - Relay Clicking Under Dash
Our V6 just turned 40k and it's developed some interesting sounds. First of all, from time to time at highway speed a whirring/whinning sound has developed. I was driving down the road the other night, no rain, about 60 degrees temp outside, and between 50 and 80 mph this noise seemed constant. I turned off the radio, turned off the climate control and the problem still existed.
It *sounds* like a drive train noise (my old jeep would make a sound when it was in a low gear that is similar). Second, also intermittent, a clicking relay from inside the dash on the drivers side. The frequency and rate are inconsistent and I can't correlate it to anything happening while driving.. just highway driving.
Ford F-150 - 1997-2003 :: No Crank / No Start - Relay In The Fuse Box In Dash Clicking
I have a 98 f150 Lariat 4wd Automatic with a 2000 4.6. When i turn the key the only thing that happens is i hear a relay in the fusebox in the dash clicking. I can cross the starter relay on the firewall with a screwdriver and itll start right up. Heres what ive done troubleshooting wise.
1. Checked battery terminals. Fine, it will start with jumping the relay so it seems good with that regard.
2. Tested the relay per the manual. Good.
3.Ohms Tested the white ignition switch box under the dash per manual. Good
4. Voltage tested the Trans Range Sensor per manual. Good.
5. Checked over all fuses, none blown.
6. No theft lights come on.
I figure since it will start jumping the relay that the battery, starter, and starter solenoid are all good. Only thing i cant seem to find is the Starter Interrupt Relay, or any sign of fusible links on the main battery cables. I am really at a loss here i figured one of the components ive tested would be it.
Ford Wiring/Electrical :: 2000 - Clicking Coming From #2 Relay Switch Under The Dash
In an attempt to bleed my drivers side caliper today I noticed clicking coming from the #2 relay switch under the dash. The clicking stopped once I pulled out the relay. I continued to bleed my caliper which I've been having issues doing so. It was kinda odd how I was able to bleed the caliper after pulling the relay. Is it possible that the [email protected] system could be causing issues with the pcm? 2000 f 150 4.2 v6 232,000 miles .....
View 9 RepliesFord Super Duty (1999-2016) :: 2009 - Relay Click Under The Dash / Heated Seat Stopped Working
Its and 09, I can hear a relay click under the dash. It has gotten really hot since i bought it in sept to the point where I had to turn it off because I thought it was going to burn my bottom. I am guessing its not an easy fix.
View 4 RepliesPrius C :: Relay - Clicking Sound Coming From Under The Hood
Relay-clicking sound coming from under the hood? at low speed in transition from brake to accelerator.
View 3 RepliesPrius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Orange Caution Light On Dash And Clicking Sound From Engine Area
I got to work this morning and had about 3.5 miles left with the EV. Tried to go home and nothing works. I could not open the door. I thought it was my remote battery so I Changed the battery and still nothing works. I get the Orange caution light on the dash and a clicking sound from the engine area . No lights come on. Nothing.
View 5 RepliesTouareg :: Light Clicking / Rustling Sound From Behind The Dash
Been driving the treg for a month now and liking it , getting ready for its first (for us) trip to Tahoe on Thursday. This evening while coming home there was a slight clicking/rustling sound from behind the dash then a message comes on the screen "put drive lever into the position P" or something very similar. I stopped the car, re-started it, tried it in all drives, and the message kept coming on for a few seconds then disappearing. What this means?
View 5 RepliesFord - Focus :: Dash Light For ABS Flash Off And On Accompanied By A Clicking Sound
I have a 2004 Ford Focus that has always run like a champ; (71,000) miles. Two years ago it started having some really strange "issues." The car's dash light for the ABS would start to flash off and on, accompanied by a clicking sound whenever it flashed. The brakes are always fine. Next, though, the car starts kicking and "bucking" as though it wanted to die. Whenever I pulled off the road, turned off the car and turned it back on, everything was fine. This went on for weeks but it was sporadic in nature; and naturally it didn't do anything for my mechanic even when I left it there.
I finally took it to the Ford dealer who charged me $800 for a new alternator belt, but it came with no guarantee - they said they frankly didn't know whether it would work or not. Turns out it did, for a couple of years; but it has just now started doing it again. I can find nothing that I'm doing or not doing determines whether this happens or not. Now I've got the same scarey problem all over again, and every couple of years for a new alternator belt, I might as well give it up and sell. I'm getting so tired of hearing "I don't know what's wrong". Oh, by the way, the "check engine" light never goes on.
Ford F-150 - 1997-2003 :: 4x4 And Low Range Light Come On And Off With Clicking Coming From Under Dash
I have a 97 f150 lariat 4.6L 150,000+ miles, and I am getting a lot of electrical things going wrong, been looking, and found sum kind of electric module could be the issue, except the problem are a bit dif then the ones listed. I am just wondering if it could be my issue. my problems are, 4x4 and low range light come on and off with clicking coming from under dash, daytime lights work here and there, air bag light flashes.
Then this morn my wife went to leave for work and there was a air leak hissing sound coming from the brake pedal area and that was b4 she started the truck, then she said when she got there that the heater stayed on after she shut it off and there was a beeping sound coming from the glove box. I am a general diy mechanic and dont know electrical very well, and i am at a loss.
My steering wheel seems like it is bout to fall off, and when making turns it seems to bind and not wanna turn, but when i try to pull on it, it seems sturdy but it will kinda flop if i go side to side or up and down with it.
Gen 2 Prius :: Raising The Dash Stopped The Squeak
I have had a squeak in my dash for the last 6 years. It comes and goes. I have tried many things to stop the squeak with no success.
I was determined to Stop the Squeak. I lightly tapped the dash and could hear the squeak. At one time it sounded like it was coming from the driver's side, another time it sounded like it was coming from the center of the dash. For some unknown reason, I placed my hand by the speedometer and realized if you stick your hand under the dash , it would lift up a little. I had some rubber pieces and I decided to place them under the dash as shown in the photo. In about 1 minute my dash squeak was gone. Apparently raising the dash stopped the squeak.I drove the car, and the dash squeak was finally gone.
Lexus GX 2004-09 :: Metallic Rattle From Behind The Dash When Stopped At A Light
Metallic rattle from behind the dash. Seems to happen when I am stopped at a light. rattle comes from behind the dash, doesn't matter if the fan is on or not. Sounds like a thin piece of metal if that sounds accurate.
Belt squeal. First thing in the morning, reversing out of the driveway and put in drive and I get a belt squeal from the engine. Adjust the tensioner or something else?
Prius (Gen 2) :: Constant Clicking / Creaking From Behind Dash After Air Conditioning Replaced
My air conditioning was recently replaced and now there is a constant clicking or creaking that sounds like from valves under my dashboard.
View 2 RepliesPrius (2010-12) :: Clicking Sound Coming From The Center Dash
My 2010 prius is making a strange sound, and has been since day one.
It makes a "Clicking" sound sometimes that can be heard inside the cabin and sounds like it is coming from the center dash. It is definitely NOT a squeaky dash or door panel or anything like that. It is definitely electrical in nature. It almost sounds like a very fast clicking relay or maybe another electrical component. It is fairly high pitched (not like the inverter whine, though) and definitely clicking (maybe buzzing), not constant. It sort of sounds like a cricket. I am working on adding some audio/video to this post, should have some up today.
Here are some things I have noticed about the noise:
1. Only happens when gas pedal is depressed, not when braking or coasting.
2. When the display is in "Eco" it happens loudest and consistently when the bar is 3/4 of the way full, but it can happen (although the clicking is slower and less consistent) at 1/2 or just before the power section of the bar.
3. The car must be "warmed up" i.e. doesn't happen right away, car must be driven for 10-15 min if engine is cool.
4. Seems to be happening more/more quickly after starting the car in the hotter weather (I purchased my car in Feb.)
Prius (2004-09) :: Clicking Sound Under Dash On Driver Side
I am the original owner of a 2008 Prius, and am familiar with the various noises that the car likes to make. However, a new clicking noise has started recently, and need to identify the source/cause, so I can (hopefully) repair it myself, or have it repaired cost effectively.
I have attached a pic of what I think is the source of the noise.
This pic is looking upwards under the dash, above the brake pedal. In the center of the pic is a white thingamajig. This thing is attached to a motor on the right side (to the right of what I think is a yellow bearing or washer), and the other end is attached to a darker gray arm. When the climate control makes an adjustment, the motor turns, the white plastic piece turns, and the arm moves. What appears to happen is that sometimes, the motor continues to operate when it shouldn't, and these plastic pieces all kind of move around, clicking.
Golf V R32 :: Dash Light / Climate Control / Blinkers Stopped Working?
On the way to work this morning my dash lights went out. At the same time, all my climate controls stopped working, as well as the wiper controls. The blinkers didn't work either. However, the radio and MFD were fine. The windows were frosting up fast (I live in Canada) but it's only a 15 min. drive to work so while trying to hold my breath, I was able to make it work OK. I called the dealership and they said to bring to the car right away. On the way to the dealership, the overhead console lights stayed lit and could not be shut off. When I got to the dealership and pulled my key out of the ignition the overhead console lights wouldn't shut off as well as the radio and my the lock doors/security arming on my key fob would not engage.
Later, on in the morning they said they think the problem is in a module possibly in the steering column. What is going on with my car?