Prius (2004-09) :: Warning Lights - AC Stops Blowing Cold Air

I've seen several posts regarding the warning lights, mine is a bit different. My Warning Light, Maint Reqd, ((!)), and engine light are all on. I've driven it a few times since and notice that after driving for 10 minutes or so, the VSC light also comes on. In one instance the brake light also came on. At that point my AC seems to also stop blowing COLD air. The motor blower motor still runs, but the air is no longer cold. Battery checks out. Coolant levels are good. Code indicated "something with the inverter cooling" according to local garage. Suggested I take it to the dealer. Scheduled for a trip to dealer tomorrow but wondering if there's anything I can/should do in the meantime.

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Prius (2004-09) :: AC Stops Blowing Cool Air / Dash Lights Up With Numerous Warning Lights

I had just picked my kid up from school, as I turn out of the parking lot my A/C stops blowing cool air, I check the A/C screen and it still says it's set on High with temp at 68. However, it is blowing very low with warm air. Seconds later the dash lights up with numerous warning lights. I'm on the highway and I'm able to gather speed, but each time I do I hear the engine revving like crazy. We only live a few miles from the school so I am able to make it home. Once home, I turn off the car and turn it back on. The only warning lights displayed now are the red triangle and the yellow check engine light. I turn the car off, pop the hood, I check the belt and it was fine. I checked the oil and it seemed fine. I check the coolant overflow and it was empty.

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Prius (2004-09) :: 2006 - Multiple Warning Lights Came On

I have a 2006 Prius with approximately 112,000 miles. It has been a merely perfect car until yesterday. Everything was driving normal on my way to the store. When I turned on my car to leave the store a half hour later, the red exclamation point of death showed up along with the check engine light, ((!)) and the VSC signal all came on. Upon reading on this site, I decided to run the 12V battery test through the nav screen and sure enough, I believed that is what it was. I bought a battery and had it put in. I left the shop and and all the dash warning lights went off. When I restarted my car 10 minutes later to head back to work, all of those exact warning lights came on.

I ended up taking it into the Toyota Dealership Service area. They tried to reset the dash warning lights by pulling out the battery fuse (I think that's what they are called) in the front box of the car. It didn't work so they gave me the option to pay for the diagnostic ($98) or leave and drive around and hope everything is fine. I wanted peace of mind, so I had them do the diagnostic.

The assistant service manager came back 1.5 hours later and told me he had bad news. He said that there were faulty cells in my hybrid battery, which is why the service lights remained on. I almost started crying, sharing that I had thoroughly researched the prius before buying and that this forum, specifically had almost no talk of this...that is rarely if ever happened, that it needed to be replaced. He said in his 15 years at Toyota he had only seen it a couple of times. He told me warnings to look out for is if my car won't go above 25 miles an hour or it could technically start using only the gas side of the engine. He also said that the car just needs to "relearn" how to operate after replacing the 12v battery and it could essentially be fine.

He then quoted me $3500 if I ended up down the road of needing the battery replaced.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Multiple Warning Lights Came On - 12v Battery Related?

I had noticed a drop in MPG in the last month (more than normal this time of year), so I started searching on PC. That lead me to testing my 12V battery 4 days ago, with the following results:

No load: 11.8V
Load: 11.5V
Charge: 14.2V

Car started and ran fine, but since the battery is the original on my 2006 with just under 130,000 miles on it, I figured I'd get a new 12V the next time there was a good deal at Advance Auto. No other symptoms until today. After driving around 150 miles on Saturday, the car sat for 3-1/2 days in 25-40 degree temperatures. Started and ran fine today. Did a 5 mile trip, followed by a 1/2 mile trip, followed by a 5 mile trip home.

On the way home, the car lit up like a Christmas tree (appropriate for this time of year). Master warning light, brake system light (yellow; not red), check engine light, VSC light, hybrid system light (no ABS light). Turned it off and restarted and the VSC wasn't lit, but everything else still was.

More info... I finally got around to disabling the back-up beep, and the driver side seat belt warning yesterday, which may have run the 12V down even more.

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Prius (2004-09) :: 2008 - Bad Catalytic Converter / Multiple Warning Lights Are On

The check engine light came on a few times. Went to the old trusty repair shop and the codes pointed to an issue with the catalytic converter. When we started the car again, multiple warning dash lights came on: ABS, (!), Check Engine, and emergency brake light. The brakes also felt very stiff after this.

The mechanic at the shop was taken aback. Said there was a glitch with the computer and that we needed to take it to a dealership to have them "perform initialization of linear solenoid valve and calibration." He said that would fix the issue with the lights.

We were a little upset this happened but love this shop and only stopped going because we moved a few hours away. The mechanic has always been very honest and upfront through the years.

I took the car to the local Toyota dealership today, told them what happened and what the mechanic said. All they did was charge me $100 for a diagnosis of bad catalytic converter pipe and tell me that all the lights came on because the catalytic converter is so far gone. They said they couldn't turn the other lights off until the catalytic converter was replaced.

I don't understand why my brakes are affected when the issue with the car is the catalytic converter. I was also told by the guy at the shop where we first took the car that we would be able to drive with a faulty Catalytic converter with no problem.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Getting Multiple Warning Icons And Lights - Unresponsive Throttle?

2009 Prius w/ 29,750 mi [Maint Req Light came on at ~28,000 mi]..

I am getting a Master Warning Light (triangle), a Hybrid System Warning icon, a VSC light, a (red) Brake Warning icon and a Check Engine icon. When the car starts, the A/C is fine but quickly loses cooling output especially with full throttle. regardless of manual or auto setting. Throttle feels a bit spongy and slightly unresponsive.

4 blue bars on charge and everything else appears OK.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Multiple Warning Lights And Buzzer During Abnormal Braking Conditions

Weird problems with my 2006 prius. Car has 54,000 miles.

4 times now over the last year, during abnormal braking conditions (someone swerves over at me on highway and I have to break and swerve suddenly to avoid), I get multiple warning lights, and the warning buzzer. Yesterday this happened, and I got the red triangle, the red brake light, the abs light, and two new lights on the LCD display I've never seen before. I pulled over and began to slow down. The brakes felt stiff, and the vehicle started to loose acceleration power. LCD started resetting itself. I stopped the car, turned it off, and turned it back on to find everything normal. I then drove 200+ miles to my destination without incident.

This is the worst case of this problem yet. My 12v battery was replaced last year after the first of these issues, with similar symptoms, but no loss of acceleration. The tech said the only code in the system was a voltage spike, and thus thought it needed a new battery. In every other case of the problem, I turn the car off and turn it back on, and it's fine. I'm about to drive 2000 miles next week, and want to avoid further issues...

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Prius (2004-09) :: 2006 - Multiple Warning Lights / Ready Light Flashed Few Times Then Went Off

I most recently drove my 2006 Prius around on Saturday Feb. 1, with no problems at all. I went out of town for a couple of days, and returned this afternoon to a car that will not start. I stepped on the brake, pushed Power, and things lit up, the "Ready" light flashed a few times but then went off. Power button light stayed orange.

Several warning lights on dash stayed on (!)/ABS/VSC/traction control, and a message came on the screen saying something about a problem with "P" parking, and that it should be parked level and the parking brake applied. It is sitting level with the parking brake applied already. Also, the door ajar warning light and beep start as soon as you open the car door to get in.

I'm thinking from what I've read that my 12v battery has died/is dying. I'm the original owner, bought car in March 2006, and it has just under 61,000 miles on it.

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Toyota - Camry :: 2004 - Air Conditioner Stops Blowing Cold Air

2004 Solora ... 185K Miles and after driving about 45-60 minutes the AC stops blowing cold air. The blower inside the car runs, the clutch is still engaged on the compressor yet only warm air is blowing through the vents. If the car sits overnight the AC will work again. It does not always stop after 60 minutes of driving. Sometimes I can go days driving 60 minutes at a time and the AC works the entire time. Other times it will quit after 45 minutes. When it works I have no complaints.

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Prius (Gen 2) :: 2006 - Multiple Warning Lights Shown With Beeping

My 2006 prius started beeping and showing multiple warning lights - The big triangle with the exlamation, Brake System Warning light and Check Engine light on the dashboard. On the main screen the hybrid system warning icon popped up.

I asked from a toyota service place and they said this might be due to multiple reasons (they didn't mention exact reasons) and will cost a lot of money. I've been checking some posts and found some advice regarding the inverter cooler. I checked the coolant container for "waves" as instructed by this post Suddenly hit with multiple warning lights! | PriusChat.

I can see the coolant moving when I turn the car on. What other reasons that can cause this issue?

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Prius (2010-12) :: Car Beeped And Suddenly Hit With Multiple Warning Lights

I drive my 2005 Prius 40+ miles each way for my commute. I bought it in the fall of 2007 with 56k miles already on it, and with my commute I'm up to 140,000 miles already.

This morning I was about 5 minutes from work, cruise control on, and deeply absorbed in listening to a podcast. I was startled out of my reverie by several things happening simultaneously. The car beeped, the cruise control kicked off, and multiple warning lights lit up on the dash, with a warning icon of some kind also on my MFD.

(Once stopped, I looked up the warning lights. They were: Master warning light; Check engine light, or "malfunction indicator lamp", according to the manual; YELLOW Brake system warning; VSC warning light. On the MFD, the Hybrid System Warning Light was on.)

I was on the highway doing about 70 and I had just crested a hill, so I allowed the car to coast on the downside while trying to access the situation. I cautiously pressed the accelerator, and though the road noise made it impossible to hear the engine, the car seemed to still be driving normally. The Energy Monitor still showed normal flows between battery, engine, and wheels. I had one final, short uphill climb before my freeway exit, so I chanced it. I took it easy and allowed my speed to decrease on the uphill so as not to push too hard, just in case. Once off the freeway, most of the remaining mile is downhill or flat - I can often make it to the office without the engine, and in fact I did so this morning.

Once at the office, I put the car into Park and grabbed the manual so I could identify all the warning lights before powering off the car. I turned off the Prius, let it sit for 5-10 seconds, and powered it back on. The brake system warning and VSC lights did not come back on - only the master warning light, and "check engine" lights reappeared, and "Problem" on the MFD was again replaced by the Hybrid System Warning icon. After the usual 10 seconds, the engine started normally and responded to the accelerator.

One additional note: After the freeway exit, my car is usually at 1 green bar or just below on the hybrid battery. Immediately following the freeway exit is a steep downhill that usually puts the SOC to completely full. That was the case again today, and as often happens, that full charge was able to take me the rest of the relatively flat, distance to the office at my usual 25-35 mph. I mention this because whatever might be setting off the warnings, the Prius still seems to be managing the charge level normally; at least in the admittedly short period I was able to observe it after this occurred.

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Prius (2004-09) :: Warning Lights In Cold Weather - Car Seems To Run (mostly) Ok?

It has been cold recently (out of the past week, highs in 20's or lower). This hasn't been as much of an issue before, but in the past week I have had the red triangle of death, brake warning light, check engine light, and VSC light all come on at the same time, three separate times. Also, the display screen shows a red outline of a car with "!" through it. Each time this has happened, the lights didn't come on as soon as the car was "Ready" but only after the gas engine was running for a minute or two.

The first time the lights came on, I was driving back from class, but after I got back to my house I did some internet research and saw it may be a low oil indicator. Checked the oil, it was almost at the bottom mark on the dipstick, and it had been over 10,000 miles since the last one (oops! we don't normally do that). After reading some stories online, I took it in to get an oil change, and the lights went off for a couple days. Second time the lights came on, I checked the oil level, it was definitely over-filled, so I took it back to Walmart and had them redo the oil so that it was at the right level. I checked the oil level before leaving the parking lot that time and it was at the top mark on the dipstick. Again, all the lights were off for a couple days.

Today, I drove my car for about an hour in the morning (temperature was around upper teens, wind chill below 10) and had no problems. Then, this evening I turn the car on and start driving out of the parking lot when the car beeps at me and flashes all of the warning lights again. I drove back to my house and it is now sitting in the driveway. I am not planning on driving it until I can have a car mechanic friend take a look at it on Tuesday, but he doesn't know anything about the hybrid system/battery.

My wife and I have also noticed that since the weather has been colder, the hybrid battery (shown on the "Energy" screen when driving) seems to be charging and discharging much faster than normal. I haven't seen it at only 1 bar or full of green bars more than a couple times in the 2.5ish years we have owned the car, but in the past two weeks it has happened 5-10 times (estimated). I am not sure if this is due to the weather, or if it could indicate a problem with the (hybrid?) battery. For obvious reasons, this makes us nervous :/

As a side note, I changed the transmission fluid sometime in December, so I was wondering if possibly I didn't put enough fluid back in. I have checked the diagnostic screen and found some codes, but most of them seem to relate to the audio, which doesn't concern me as much as the code that seems to indicate the transmission, which is why I mention the change I did a while back. I just don't know why it wouldn't have shown up until now. I'll attach some pictures I took tonight of the codes and lights.

Also, the battery is a couple years old, but after sitting for a couple hours the battery was reading 12.1 V according to the diagnostic screen, so I don't think that is the issue. We haven't had any trouble getting the car to start, and once it is running it still seems to drive normally with the warning lights on. What these codes mean, and a possible cause for the warning lights?

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Prius (2004-09) :: Multiple Warning Symbols / Car Won't Go To Ready For Starting

Thursday afternoon I drove about 120 miles total in my 2004. At about 40 miles I left my wife to shop and drove on to 3-4 other stops for myself and then came back to pick her up for the 40 mile drive home. When she got into the passenger seat, she found that the carpet & mat on the floor were sopping wet, so we put some heavy towels over the wet area to protect her shoes. When we got home (with NO operational issues), I removed the passenger floor mat, put several thicknesses of more heavy towels on the carpet and placed 2 concrete blocks on the towels to soak up the water.

On Friday, I changed the towels and did not use the car. Saturday, I removed the towels, concrete blocks, and went to start the car so I could see if there was water dripping from under the dash from a plugged condensate drain, since I had not driven in rain or water on Thursday. The dash displayed every warning light imaginable including "check engine", hybrid system warning, slip indicator, brake system warning, Master warning (!), VSC, Maint reqd. Now it is Sunday and I still cannot get to the "Ready" light so I can start the car. My traction battery condition was solid green yesterday, solid blue today. The radio, interior lights, A/C fan, door locks, etc. all work.

Could there be anything under the passenger carpeting (or behind the dash which might have gotten wet which could be causing these problems/codes?

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Prius (2004-09) :: 2006 - Multiple Lights On Dashboard Lit Up

I have 2006 prius with 96k miles on it and regularly serviced. Today morning while driving to work, there were multiple lights that came up on my dashboard. The emergency (triangle) indicator, VSC, Engine check came up. I checked the battery and it was green.I have given the car for service to the showroom,

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Isuzu :: 2005 - AC Stops Blowing Cold Air

2005 Isuzu Ascender 6cyl--auto-- all power--2 wheel dr-- Air cond blows very little air that is only slightly cooler than the outside temp. This only happens during hot weather( 90 Fahrenheit or higher ) after highway driving for extended periods of time, usually after a few hours. It works as it should during any other conditions. After letting everything cool down, it works properly. The dealer says they cannot get it to duplicate this action and therefor says there is nothing wrong with it. I first noticed this at about 50,000 miles because that was my first trip in it. It now has 70,000 miles.

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Prius (2004-09) :: 2006 Won't Start / Sometimes Multiple Indicator Lights Go On And Off

I have a 2006 Toyota Prius and it won't start after it was detailed. No engine detail. The key will still lock and unlock the car and when I press the power button sometimes nothing happens and sometimes multiple indicator lights go on and off. The battery is not dead but it may be low and the car was working perfectly before it was detailed. The doors were left open for some time and I'm sure buttons were inadvertently pressed during the cleaning. I tried to jump start but no luck. Is there a way to reboot the system or a way I could troubleshoot before we tow it to the dealer?

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Passat (B5) :: Multiple Warning Lights Came On Simultaneously

I just got a call from my dad about his Passat, and am doing some research for him. He said that on his way home just now, the warning buzzer sounded, and that the 'brake' light, ABS light, traction control light and oil light all came on simultaneously. He was stuck in traffic, so couldn't pull over immediately... after about 10-15 seconds, they went off again. It then repeated once or twice for a few seconds later on the drive.

I've just done a bit of searching, but it is hard to know what to search for in this case. I did see some threads about a defective ABS module triggering the ABS and Brake lights, as well as a bad brake light switch (don't know if that has been replaced on this car yet). But that doesn't cover the Oil and ASR lights as far as I know. Any other possibilities?

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Prius (2004-09) :: 2006 - Multiple Dash Lights Came On While Stopped At Red Sign

We have a 2006 Prius that has never given me a bit of trouble the last 24 months or ownership. My wife was driving a few weeks ago and had multiple dash lights come on while stopped at a red light but the car was still acting fine. Light turned green she drove a couple miles at about 45-55mph to the gas station, shut her down, came back and everything returned to normal. Today it happened again but this time she got a picture of the lights that was on. SEE ATTACHMENT BELOW. the TPMS is always on by the way.

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Santa FE SM (2001-06) :: AC Stops Blowing Cold When The Engine Temp Get Hot

It's my 2005, 2.7l. auto trans, FWD.

AC stops blowing cold when the engine temp get hot. As long as the car is moving, it blows nice and cold. Also, when sitting the engine temp rises quickly and will over heat if you don't get moving.

Cooler fan on the inside of the radiator never kicks over to high mode as the temp goes up. I checked the fuses and the relay and both are good.

That leaves me with a bad fan? Correct? Also, what is the part number of the fan?

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