Camry :: Reinstalled Mirror Glass On Driver Side But Can't Get It Tighten Up

I broke the mirror glass on the drivers side mirror. New glass was ordered and I connected all the parts back together. I believe I have everything in the correct place inside and the mirror snapped back into place, but the tension is not there. The mirror is very loose, and I cannot get it to tighten up.

The white bracket that connect to the new glass and snaps into the white motor is the part that I cannot get to tighten up. Do I need to add glue to this portion of the mirror?

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Golf VI R :: Replacing Side Mirror Glass

This morning found that someone had cracked the glass on my side door mirror... The housing itself is fine, but the glass is cracked, and I'll need to replace.

Do I have to replace the entire housing? The mirror still tilts and moves properly.

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Passat (B7) :: How To Remove Side Mirror Glass

I got my spherical glass in and was all excited and ready for a 5 minute install, but no dice.

There is a youtube video that seems to remove the mirror in a manner consistent with what the mount on the back of the replacement looks like, but for the life of me, I can't find or see behind there enough to push in the arm that will release the mirror.

It just occurred to me that the little indent could be pushed or pulled depending on the mount. Looks like I'll need a hook like tool to test this theory. (The tool used in the video seems like it has a hook on it, but he's too darn fast).

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Golf IV / Jetta IV :: Replacing Glass For Side Mirror

Someone before me used the wrong thing to scrape ice off their mirror. I am having a hard time finding replacement glass for my side mirror. I only need a driver-side, and I would like it to have the convex outside portion like it does now. That said, I wouldn't mind getting new glass for both sides.

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Prius (2010-12) :: How To Remove Side Mirror Glass

How to to remove the side mirror glass? It's not in the Toyota manual book. What about the black frame that goes around it ?

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Golf/GTI VI :: Broken Side Mirror Glass - Replacement?

Someone broke the passenger side mirror on my '10 GTI. They broke only the glass, not the housing. Is the glass available as a replacement part, or do I have to replace the entire housing/assembly? If this is a quick cheap job, I'll do it myself.

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Sonata I45 (YF - 2011+) :: Driver Side Mirror Glass Shaking

Having problem when driving on the highway? Today I noticed the side view mirror glass shakes and moves quite a bit, while the passenger mirror appears to be rock solid. Any easy fix? I have 15k on the car - would this be something covered by warranty? 2013

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GTI 337/20th Anniversary :: Passenger Side Glass Scratched Up

My passenger side window is all scratched up. This happened before I bought the car.

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Golf/GTI VII :: Slight Distortion In Passenger Side Of Windshield Glass?

I've had my GTI for 2 months but just tonight I noticed some slight distortion in the passenger side of my windshield glass. It almost makes things like slightly "wavy". It would be hard to notice unless I pointed it out, but it's there. Now here's the funny thing, it can only be seen from the driver's side of the car. I sat in the passenger side and it looked totally fine. I also noticed that only the windshield is made by Vitro based in Mexico, the rest of the glass has Sekurit stamps, based (made?) in Germany. I'm wondering if this is considered normal or at least acceptable.

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Passat (B7) :: 2012 SE Passenger Side Wiper Blade Extending Over Glass

Passenger side wiper blade extending over the glass? Asking the dealer to see if this needs adjustment.

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Golf/GTI VI :: Passenger Side Mirror Moves Along With Driver Side

I've just finished installing Driver Side Puddle Lights just under the mirror. I still haven't coded it yet.

[URL]..................... I ran into a problem:

As I want to use the electrical mirrors to adjust my driver side mirror, passenger side mirror moves too. Is it possible that these faults caused by not coded ECU?

I connected ground wire of my LED to blue and black cable connected to the mirror and ran another wire from unit 10 in 16 pin door connector to live wire from my LED.

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Passat (B5) :: Why Passenger Side Mirror Is Smaller Than Driver Side

I am just curious about my passat side mirrors ... the passenger mirror is smaller then the driver side?

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Passat (B5) :: Passenger Side Mirror Is Smaller Than Driver Side?

I just bought a 99 passat v6 and noticed that the passenger side mirror is smaller then the drivers side is that how it is normally or is my passat messed up?

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Golf/GTI VI :: Could The Passenger Side Mirror Tilt Down?

I just picked up my new 2010 Golf TDI and one thing I really miss is the passenger side mirror tilting down when I am in reverse. It is really handy for parallel parking. My Passat and BMW both have this feature and I would love to be able to do it here.

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Passat (B7) :: Passenger Side Mirror Cap Exploded

Walked out to my car last night and my mirror cap was shattered in pieces on the ground, little textured plastic lip around the glass on the ground, and the glass hanging from the heat wires. I haven't looked at it too hard since it was dark and I had to work this morning, but it appears that the plastic lip and the glass are undamaged, however there may be damage to the clips. I have called around to some salvage yards and no one seems to have one in stock. What the cheapest way to get a clean, painted mirror on my door is? Mirror was destroyed, need new one.

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Camry :: Side Mirror On 06 Solara Driver Side Popped Out

I was driving down the street when another car side swiped mine. There wasn't any noticeable damage, but the side mirror on my driver side popped out.

It doesn't look like anything is actually broken. The mirror just popped out. Can I pop it back in or will I need to get it looked at?

The reason I ask is I didn't notice any other parts of the mirror on the street, but can't seem to get it to pop back in.

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Lexus RX 2004-09 :: Passenger Side Mirror Looks Like It Is Peeling?

I just noticed this happening recently. My passenger side mirror looks like it is peeling. The part that "peeled off", no longer auto dims, while the 90% of the mirror still has dimming. But it looks ugly as heck.

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Passat (B5) :: Vibrating Noise Mostly In Passenger Side Mirror

I have an 05 Passat TDI and I'm getting a vibrating noise, almost like a radio with too much base. It was mostly in the passenger mirror but now I'm hearing it from the drivers side too. It happens @ about 40mph without radio on and I can also hear the sound if I turn on a song with a lot of base to it.

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Touareg :: Passenger Side Mirror Tilt When In Reverse

Does the base model have the passenger side tilt mirror option when you select reverse. I have read that it is standard equipment and I know that the mirror selector has to be in the right position, but it doesn't seem to work. Are there any procedures on doing this?

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